Friday, February 11, 2005

Blog Content Based Solely on High Paying Keyword

Michael Buffington has created Asbestos Blog solely to cash in on the high rates advertisers pay per click through. He writes and attracts a few comments on his personal page, and, of course, the /. community discusses it here.

It has sidebars for recent comments, recent posts, and catagories. It has only one ad. According to the /. blurb , the blog is created using highly automated content aggregation tools. Info on the site indicates it is generated by Typepad and uses a 1x1 gif to track visitors.

Maybe I should make a blog about money making schemes? It would help some people make a buck and help other people put the less ethical ones out of business.

UPDATE (4/1/2005): Since writing the above, I've run accross several blogs and other websites that seem to be poorly executed versions of the above. They appear to be completely automated with any text that might be original being poorly written. The trick seems to be for the editor to do some real editing and writing to add a little value to the site. Otherwise, it's just a saved Google search.


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